Am in the mood to laugh now I could very well go watch a comedy movie but I think I would enjoy some small penis humiliation phone sex calls instead. Listening to you tell me how that 5 inch cock isnt really so small and that with enough foreplay I will not notice the difference between THAT and a massive long cock.
By all means tell me your wonderful tales of what ever it is cause I will be laughing at your rather delusional state of mind. That one that for a moment thought your tiny cock would be able to penetrate pass my waxed pussy lips.
I do wonder how many ladies have let you fucked them with your small penis and said thats alright honey I did managed to enjoy myself before you dribbled that load of cum on my pussy lips. See this is where you separate the young coeds from the real women for I would never give you the impression your small cock managed to please my pussy. Not once.
Never have I felt the need to fake an orgasm nor will I to protect your wanna be masculinity. Which is why I adore small penis humiliation phone sex, for I dont have to even pretend to spare your feelings on what I think about cock size. The right size that will get my pussy off that is.
Before you go on about foreplay an warm ups or whatever the fuck you all it. Lets just call it what it is you have a small cock and I am a size queen that knows what works for my pussy. So stop fidgeting with that small thing and give me a call so I can laugh while do what ever it is you do with that tiny thing between your legs.
1-888-704-6848 just ask for Jillian and prepare to entertain me with some small penis humiliation phone sex